Double Standards of Celebrity Scholars on Male and Female Circumcision References in Hadith and Fiqh

Books and material exposing double standards of many celebrity scholars of today on male circumcision and female circumcision.
Book 1:
أحاديث الختان حجيتها وفقهها - سعد المرصفي
3.5 MB - 81 pages - Arabic

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Topic Study Link : link comes here

Book 2:
التبيان في مشروعية ختان النسوان
4.4 MB - 56 pages - Arabic

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Index: Note the page number using the below index for the respective topic you want to study.
Enter the page number in below mentioned input box and then click "show page" button or press Enter key to show the required page.


Topic Study Link : link comes here

Book 3:
حول ختان الاناث ـ فتاوى كبار علماء الأزهر الشريف
2.3 MB - 98 pages - Arabic

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Index: Note the page number using the below index for the respective topic you want to study.
Enter the page number in below mentioned input box and then click "show page" button or press Enter key to show the required page.


Topic Study Link : link comes here

Book 4:
حكم الإسلام في ختان البنين والبنات
1.06 MB - 106 pages - Arabic
(Quick Study Tool not embedded since the book apparently does not have an index or table of contents)