Friday, December 22, 2023

Reference Evidences for the planned article Evaluating Circumcision

Perfectly Preserved and to be followed absolutely. The direct orders and even indirect hints and insights.

Set 1: Against Changing The Creation of ALLAH:
Quran 4:118-119
Quran 30:30

Set 2: No Fault and Inconsistency in The Creation of ALLAH:
Quran 67:3

Set 3: صِبۡغَةَ اللّٰهِ
Quran 2:138

Set 4: No Unrightful : Oppression, Transgression and etc.:
Quran 2:84
Quran 2:256
Quran 7:33

Set 5: Creation belongs to ALLAH:
Quran 7:54

Set 6: Perfection in The Creation of ALLAH
Quran 23:14
Quran 27:88
Quran 32:7-9
Quran 40:64
Quran 64:3
Quran 95:4

Set 7: Due Measure and Proportion in The Creation of ALLAH
Quran 3:6
Quran 13:8
Quran 25:2
Quran 54:49
Quran 82:6-8
Quran 87:1-2

Set 8: No : Vain / Futile / Useless : Creation
Quran 3:191
Quran 15:85
Quran 30:8
Quran 38:27
Quran 23:115
Quran 21:16
Quran 46:3

Set 9: Beware of Decoration of What is Said as Deception and etc.
Quran 6:112

Some Words that may require deeper research for the detailed article or post
صِبۡغَةَ اللّٰهِ - نَصِيبًا مَّفۡرُوضًا ـ لَيُغَيِّرُنَّ ـ تَبۡدِيل ـ فُطُور ـ تَفَاوُت ـ أَتۡقَنَ ـ أَحۡسَنَ ـ فَطَرَ ـ خَلَقَ ـ خَلۡق ـ صَوَّرَ ـ يُصَوِّرُ ـ صُوَرَ ـ قَدَّرَ ـ تَقۡدِير ـ مِقۡدَار ـ قَدَر ـ سَوَّىٰ ـ عَدَلَ ـ حَقّ ـ بَاطِل ـ تَقۡوِيم ـ وَٱلۡبَغۡىَ بِغَيۡرِ ٱلۡحَقِّ ـ زُخۡرُفَ ٱلۡقَوۡلِ غُرُورًا ـ يَفۡتَرُونَ

Video صدمة الختان

Hadiths or Ahaadith: In case of any contradiction or conflict between The Quran and Hadith, The Quran is to be followed.

Type 1 : Against Changing The Creation of ALLAH
Tirmidhi: 2782
Nasai: 5108
Nasai: 5253
Bukhari: 5943
Bukhari: 5948
Nasai: 5109
Nasai: 5254
Nasai: 5099
Nasai: 5107
Bukhari: 5931
Bukhari: 4886
Riyad us Saliheen: 1646
Muslim: 2125a
Abu Dawud: 4169
Ibn Majah: 1989
Muslim: 2658d
Muslim: 2658b

Type 2 : Against mutilation

Set 1 (mostly via the narrator via which most of the Hadiths justifying the practice are promoted. Subtle taunt or hint by some narrator in the chain or some other issue?)
Bukhari: 1359 (Translation is mutilated and has replaced creation with religion)
Bukhari: 4775
Bukhari: 6599, 6600
Bukhari: 1385
Bukhari: 1358

Set 2:
Bukhari: 2474
Mishkat: 3540
Nasai: 4440
Ibn Majah :3185 (Labeled Da'eef)
Ibn Majah: 2679

Set 3:
Tirmidhi: 1408
Abu Dawud: 2667
Ibn Majah: 2857
Tirmidhi: 1617
Ibn Majah: 2858
Muslim: 1731a
Mishkat: 3929
Malik's Muwatta, Book 51, Hadith 4 (Saying attributed to a Companion)

Supplementary Evidences (excluding circumcision): Some versions of fitrah Hadiths without circumcision included
Nasai: 12
Tirmidhi: 2757
Nasai: 5041
Nasai: 5040
Abu Dawud: 53
Ibn Majad: 293

Type 3: Sahih Hadith : 'The people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Resurrection will be those who try to imitate / match the creation of ALLAH'.
(The Punishment for those who say or imply without saying that the Creation of ALLAH called the foreskin is disease prone or impurity prone, and go beyond imitating, by cutting off permanently, part of How ALLAH Created man leaving man's body modified permanently = ?. Did ALLAH, according to you, make some mistake in the Creation of man, and you had no option but to correct the alleged mistake of ALLAH, according to you?)
Nasai: 5357
Nasai: 5363
Nasai: 5356
Nasai: 704

Type 4: Sahih Hadith : Penalty for drawing an image = Breathe your soul into the image
(The Penalty for permanently mutilating and changing the Creation of ALLAH by removing a major, functional, and sensitive part of the body i.e. the foreskin = ?)
Nasai: 5359
Nasai: 5360
Bukhari: 5963
Nasai: 5358
Tirmidhi: 1751
Muslim: 2110b
Mishkat: 4507
Bukhari: 2225
Bukhari: 7042
Muslim: 2109c
Abu Dawud: 5024
Riyad us Saliheen: 1544
Mishkat: 4498
Riyad us Saliheen: 1680 (Bukhari amd Muslim agreed upon on this)

Type 5: Implying, hinting or referring to : FGM / MGM or either or both

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation):
Al Adab ul Mufrad 53:4
Abu Dawud: 5271
Abu Dawud: 5271 (Labeling by Albaani in Arabic)
Mishkat: 4464 (Probably labeled as Da'eef already)
Al Adab ul Mufrad 53:2 (Labeled Da'eef)
Bukhari: 4072

FGM + MGM (Female Genital Mutilation + Male Genital Mutilation): - So much implied and considered as something guaranteed or something that can be taken for granted, that the parts are called the circumcised part for both the male and the female.
Tirmidhi: 109
Tirmidhi: 108
Malik's Muwatta, Book 2, Hadith 107
Ibn Majah: 608
Mishkat: 442
Malik's Muwatta, Book 2, Hadith 103
Malik's Muwatta, Book 2, Hadith 104
Malik's Muwatta, Book 2, Hadith 104
Muslim: 349
Malik's Muwatta, Book 20, Hadith 863

No specification i.e. FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) and , or MGM (Male Genital Mutilation):
(Out of the remaining things, only cutting short the moustaches, and in some cases letting the beard grow, is applicable to male only, but remaining things are applicable to both in most cases, and circumcision of male only or circumcision of both male and female, is not clearly specified.)
Muslim: 257b
Bukhari: 5889
Nasai: 5044
Muslim: 257a
Bukhari: 5891
Bukhari: 6297
Tirmidhi: 2756
Nasai: 5043
Nasai: 5225
Nasai: 9
Nasai: 10
Nasai: 11
Ibn Majah 292
Al Adab al Mufrad 55:11
Al Adab al Mufrad 55:!2
Malik's Muwatta, Book 49, Hadith 1676
Riyad is Salihin: 1203
Abu Dawud: 4198
Mishkat: 4420
Abu Dawud: 54
Bukhari: 3349
Bukhari: 4625
Bukhari: 7
Nasai: 5042

MGM (Male genital mutilation):
Bukhari: 6298
Al Adab al Mufrad 53:9
Al Adab al Mufrad 53:1
Bukhari: 6300
Bukhari: 6299
Muslim: 2370
Bukhari: 3356
Al Adab al Mufrad 53:7
Al Adab ul Mufrad 53:3 (Labeled Da'eef)
Abu Dawud: 356
Mishkat: 4488
Al Adab ul Mufrad 53:8
Malik's Muwatta, Book 49, Hadith 1677
Malik's Muwatta, Book 43, Hadith 4

Concordance snippets in Arabic from
المعجم المفهرس لألفاظ الحديث النبوى :
خ ت ن

PDF in Arabic Refuting the Alleged Narrations that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was born circumcised or was circumcised by Jibreel
Download PDF

Saying attributed to Umar:
في الطبري ٨ / ١٣٤ وابن الاثير ٥ / ٥١: قيل للجراح إن الناس سارعوا إلى الاسلام نفورا من الجزية، فامتحنهم بالختان ... فكتب إليه عمر: إن اللّٰه بعث محمدا داعياً ولم يبعثه خاتنا

Saying attributed to Uthman:
دُعِيَ عثمانُ بنُ أبي العاصِ إلى ختانٍ فَأَبى فقيلَ له فقال إنا كنا لا نَأْتِي الختانَ عَلى عهدِ رسولِ اللّٰهِ ﷺ ولا نُدْعى له
الراوي: عثمان بن أبي العاص الثقفي • الهيثمي، مجمع الزوائد (٤-٦٣)

دُعِيَ عُثمانُ بنُ أبي العاصِ إلى خِتانٍ، فأبى أنْ يُجيبَ، فقيلَ له، فقال: إنّا كُنّا لا نَأتي الخِتانَ على عَهدِ رسولِ اللّٰهِ ﷺ ولا نُدْعى له
الراوي: الحسن البصري • الرباعي، فتح الغفار (١٤٦٦/٣)

دعي عثمانُ بْنُ أبي العاصِ إلى خِتانِ،فأَبى أَنْ يُجِيبَ، فقِيلَ له، فقالَ:إنّا كنّا لا نأتي الخِتانَ على عهدِ رسولِ اللّٰهِ- صلى اللّٰه عليه وآله وسلم- ولا نُدْعى له
الراوي: عثمان بن أبي العاص الثقفي • الهيثمي، مجمع الزوائد (٤-٦٣)

If any one challenges the narrators of the Uthman Hadith, he can be shown Hadith labeled as Sahih, by their own standard authorities in which Ibn Ishaq is in the chain of narrators. For now, I am linking a few Hadith. In the detailed post inshaALLAH, this Hadith and its narrators' and Hadith via those narrators may be investigated in some more detail. Nasai: 2231, Nasai:2412, Ibn Majah: 987

Appendix: Some Non-Islamic References
Some circumcision References from Bible : circumcision, circumcise, circumcised
Brit Milah

Obsession of Jews with male circumcision to the point of even circumcising the dead body of the baby who died before getting circumcised by them:
According to Halacha, a baby who dies before they had time to circumcise him must be circumcised before burial. Several reasons were given for this commandment. (Copied from Wikipedia post on Brit Milah linked above)
Reiner, Rami (2022). "A baby boy who dies before reaching eight [days] is circumcised with a flint or reed at his grave" (Shulḥan 'Arukh, Yoreh De'ah 263:5): From Women's Custom to Rabbinic Law". Journal of the Goldstein-Goren International Center for Jewish Thought. Retrieved 3 January 2023. (Copied from Wikipedia post on Brit Milah linked above)

Also see:
Post-mortem Naming and Circumcision for a Stillbirth (Leaving the foreskin on is “disgraceful and shameful for the child,” so we don’t want the child to suffer the shame of being buried uncircumcised.)

shaytan's obsession with changing the creation of ALLAH?
Body modification addict dubbed - 'human satan'

"Within minutes, 3 feet of veins, arteries and capillaries, 240 feet of nerves and more than 20,000 nerve endings are destroyed; so are all the muscles, glands, epithelial tissue and sexual sensitivity associated with the foreskin. Finally, what nature intended as an internal organ is irrevocably externalized..." Fran P. Hosken.

Silent Youtube Video Presentation : Male and Female Genital Mutilation , FGM , MGM , Circumcision
No compromises on Truth

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Challenges to the practice of Male and Female Genital Mutilation - Circumcision -MGM - FGM - External Data

For now, some links are being pasted. I do not necessarily agree with all content linked up here, but it is being pasted as external data on this issue. This section is for external data and links only. My own raw data may be covered in a separate post when I get some time inshaALLAH!

MRI Scan
MRI Scan 2
Video صدمة الختان

ختان الذكور بين الدين والطب والثقافة والتاريخ ـ دكتورة سهام عبد السلام (386 page PDF in Arabic)

أسئلة محرجة حول الختان محمد اللوزي (136 page PDF in Arabic)

Circumcision - Does the Qur'an Approve it? Genital Mutilation. Appendixes : Intact, Frenulum, How male circumcicion harms women, Continuous, Daily Discomfort Circumcised Men Experience.

Ear piercing, Nose Piercing and All Other Body Parts Piercing

Doctors Opposing Circumcision

Bodily Integrity and Male Circumcision: An Islamic Perspective

Circumcision The 'covenant' between God and Abraham (A Quranic perspective)

The Intact Network (Muslims)

Video Playlist : Disasters of the Crime of Male Circumcision

Video : Circumcision in Islam

Video : Circumcision is not religious legislation

Video : O' Muslims! Watch, what is the concept of circumcision?

Video هل ختان الذكور جريمة وافتراء على الاسلام

Video الختان تغير لخلق اللّٰه تعالىٰ وجريمة في حق الأولاد

Video ختان الذكور حرام

Video : Activists Against Male Circumcision

Video : Muslim against Circumcision

Video : Circumcision is a Fraud

Intact Wiki : Wikipedia on circumcision related issues

Online folder containing some PDFs on circumcision written by Non-Muslims. To access, email asimiqbal2nd @, as files are accessible for the ones who request access via email.

Books not yet available for Download
ختان الذكور جريمة وافتراء على الإسلام by نضال الغطيس

Circumcision Is A Fraud and the Coming Legal Reckoning - Peter Adler's Definitive Book

Please Don't Cut the Baby: A Nurse's Memoir - Marilyn Fayre Milos with Judy Kirkwood

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